The first of 12 scheduled Democratic debates are over and no one candidate has emerged as the breakout winner. What we do know is that the LED video wall provided a spectacular, “larger than life” stage to allow all the candidates to shine.
The candidates learned that for as little as $10,000 dollars you can offer yourself an LED video backdrop that will have a huge impact on the audience and the broadcast.

Adopting today’s technology is critical to running a successful campaign. Whether it’s a political rally, a debate, or a town hall meeting, every candidate looks for ways to connect with their base. Public discourse and speeches are one way to do this, but never discount the importance of enhanced staging and high impact visuals.
Current visual technology can be divided into two main categories: LED video walls and projection.
LED displays generate bright, larger-than-life, high definition images, with spectacular clarity, while projectors run the risk of displaying washed-out images due to ambient light and “fly space” interference. The comparatively low image quality and the reliance on outdoor conditions makes projection an inferior solution for political events when compared to LED technology.
Why Political Events & LED Displays Are the Perfect Running Mates
From a small fundraisers, to a massive national conventions, all political events have the same end-goal: influencing future voters. As technology improves and costs continue to drop LED video walls become a “must have”.
Other solutions like printed banners are a cost effective, but such stagnate images are dated and limit the amount of content that can be shared. A single still picture, slogan, and perhaps some contact information is pretty much all that can fit on these display boards of the past.
Projection: A Classic Solution No Longer Up to Today’s Standards
Projectors do not fare much better than canvas banners. Sure, you can alternate content, stream videos, and even use them for broadcasting, but projectors will limit you in more ways than you can imagine.
To use a projector correctly the screen must be placed away from direct sunlight. Then, you have to make sure that the line-of-sight between the screen and the projector is not obstructed.
While you can generally anticipate the weather and the layout of an individual room before an event, why worry about these issues at all?
LED Displays: Bright, superior image quality, and engaging
Today’s political candidates must embrace technology or risk losing credibility and relevancy. LED displays, unlike projection and printed banners, are not limited by their environment. The 1960 Kennedy v Nixon television debate was a classic case of the importance of one’s image when running for office. In today’s technology & media saturated culture, a candidate cannot afford to look out of touch with technology or stuck with yesterday’s projectors.

We have come a long way since the 1960s

Using LED displays not only gives your audience the image quality they are expecting and the peace of mind your team needs when setting up your stage, it also boosts your image and puts you at the advantage, especially if your opponent is not as tech-minded.
Political Events in a Digital World
Thanks to new platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, it is now possible for anyone to broadcast their message live to thousands of interested viewers with the click of a button, and at a fraction of the cost. The real question is: how do you generate a broadcast-ready event for potential voters who cannot make it in person? Unlike projectors, LED walls are for the most part all broadcast ready, and can be connected directly to the video feed for optimal video quality. Problem Solved!
When every vote counts, do not miss the opportunity to “wow” your base. Your larger than life presence onstage will create a lasting impression on your live audience. This can be the difference between securing your seat and finishing second.
Making the Best Use of Campaign Funds
Utilizing visual technology as a stage backdrop is a given, after all it is what this technology was developed for in the first place. But wouldn’t you want to maximize your budget with technology that goes beyond this passive usage? And most importantly, wouldn’t you want to use your hard earned campaign funds for modern technology over technology that has been in use for a hundred year and is rapidly becoming obsolete?
LED displays hold a role greater than mere visual boards, thanks to the broadcasting capability and ability to “wow” a crowd by their presence onstage. It is worth noting that while the upfront cost of LED is steeper than projectors or banners, when every vote counts the ability to reach out to those not physically present while also creating a lasting impression on your live audience can be the difference between securing your seat in office, and second place.
LED Technology is Waiting
Contact Matrix Visual today, and let us help you with your event production needs.
LED Video walls rules!
I agree that led walls are way better than the usual visual boards or outdated projector screens. Don’t get me wrong they’re great and all but for sure, LeD video walls are the new thing. We recently added an Led video wall to our DJ service in Hawaii and are all in on the concept.