On August 1, Matrix Visual was proud to host some of the leading manufacturers in LED for a shootout on their latest 3.9mm outdoor panel. The manufacturers arrived in the morning, set up their respective 2×2 LED wall, and then went on to enjoy some refreshing sodas and catering.
The 95 degree weather was an unexpected bonus to the test, that allowed Matrix Visual to evaluate how the panels would react to long periods of heat and direct sunlight. This unexpected factor led to some very interesting findings when evaluating the panels, but safe to say that it was not welcomed by everyone outside.

Throughout the day, the LED panels were tested and judged on multiple criteria:
Structural Design:
“If something can go wrong, it will!” – The famous Murphy’s Law guided this part of the inspection process where every member of the Matrix Visual team assessed the panels’ flatness, connectors, power supply, receiving cards, the locks and anything that relates to the way the panel is built.
Ease of Repair:
Our lead repair technician inspected the outside structure of each panel to evaluate how they would endure the harsh conditions of outdoor live productions. This wasn’t just a one off inspection, and the final 3 candidates will be fully deconstructed and evaluated on their ease of repair.
Visual Image Performance:
The obvious step when checking an LED panel is to inspect its visual performance. Matrix Visual inspected all five competitors for their brightness, refresh rate, contrast ratio, gray scale, viewing angle, and compared those results to their specification sheets. The hot summer whether was also a wonderful opportunity for our technicians to evaluate image quality after long periods of time in direct sunlight.
Component Quality:
Of course one of the first thing that was taken into account when judging the five candidates was the quality of the components. From how robust the shaders are, to how accessible the power box was, down to what exact LED is being used, every possible question was asked to make sure we only select the best.
Logistical Supply Chain Evaluation:
We didn’t just inspect the panels themselves. Our new Director of Operations developed a 6 point quality control procedure that inspected and rated how the panels were shipped, labeled, and packed. The entire receiving process was evaluated and ultimately it is attention to details that matter. We believe that it is essential for our partners to hold themselves to the same standards we hold ourselves to with our clients.
The final three panels will now go to our repair department, where they will be fully disassembled, inspected, and judged based on their ease of repair.
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